Before you learn about our mission, let me introduce you some story.
Before the European Union was established (1993), in 1976, work began in the then EEC on the concept of common approach to reducing the emission of harmful substances to the environment. The works continued and as they progressed, outstanding experts from all over Europe were invited to them, representing both universities and engineering groups as well as employees directly involved in the manufacturing processes. The main idea was to develop the Best Available Technologies (BAT) to reduce the harmful impact of the industry in general on the environment. Finally, in 1996, the result of the released work was published as Council Directive 96/61/EC or called the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Directive.
Since then, unfortunately, politicians, lobbyists and all sorts of Eurocrats have taken over of this directive - which was great in its assumptions – making it’s corrections, and then revisions to the corrections corrected by subsequent updates; to effectively cause allergic symptoms for normal people who were in charge to implement it.
However, the main idea for the creation of the Directive, and the BREF guidelines, which are equivalent to executive acts, are a source of knowledge and inspiration for technologists.