Józef Skrzypek
Graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the founder of Intermasz - Membrane filtration.
An outstanding specialist in spray drying and an expert in dairy technology.
Author and co-author of over 40 scientific publications. Co-owner of 7 patents.
Fierce beekeeper and specialist in growing vegetables.

Marcin Skrzypek
Continuator of his father's work and founder of Intermasz - Membrane filtration.
Graduate of the Poznań University of Economics.
The main originator of membrane installations produced by our company.
Promoter of the Agile approach.
Passionate about tennis and getting dirty with mud using a bicycle.

Magdalena Sobecka-Hałas
Graduate of the Bydgoszcz University of Technology and from 2021 Office Manager at Intermasz - Membrane filtration.
Coordinator of both administrative, HR and financial and accounting works.
Fan of bicycle trips, plant cultivation and solving crossword puzzles.

Paweł Czeczko
Graduate of the University of Warmia and Mazury. From 2021, Technologist at Intermasz – Filtracja membranowa.
Practitioner in the field of dairy technology and chemical production.
Proponent of the Lean Management approach.
Amateur of martial arts and playing the guitar.

Paweł Ejsak
Graduate of the Poznan University of Technology.
Since 2023 Designer at Intermasz - Membrane Filtration.
The correctness of each filtration unit from the 3D model to the launch is his duty.
Tireless mechanician and promoter Growth Mindset approach.
Enthusiast of history and horse riding.