Implementation process

A membrane installation is a complex device which, in order to fulfil its function, must be properly designed, its elements must be selected in a perfect way, and the method of implementation of the device must be comfortable for the personnel to operate. It is the time of designing the device and the period of technological start-up that determines to the greatest extent further reliability of the installation operation. When accepting an order to manufacture or modify an existing machine, Intermasz does not start with the design, but takes the preceding step, starting with the definition of the problem. This stage is considered indispensable and is in fact the most labor-intensive of all.

Ikona definiowanie problemu1. PROBLEM DEFINITION - is carried out by carrying out semi-technical tests, most often in the target production plant. Such tests are usually carried out using pilot membrane plants. In this way, we can make sure that the selected methodology is the Best Available Technology (BAT). It is here where the decision to choose the standard od performance is made INDUSTRY, HYGIENIC, ULTRA HYGIENIC or ASEPTIC standard.

Ikona projektowanie2. DESIGNING STAGE / DESIGNING QUALIFICATION- this is the key period in the creation of the installation. At this point, the Intermasz Technical Departments and the Principals exchange information. The usability and ergonomics of the machine are also agreed with the Customer's Production Department. During the entire design stage, the participation of Technology Departments is also required to guarantee the maximum usability of the designed installation.

Ikona etap realizacji3. IMPLEMENTATION STAGE - covers the period when the physical installation is performed, electrical connections are made and the control program is created. At this stage, we exchange comments with the client and perform Factory Acteptance Tests (FAT).

Ikona etap rozruchu4. COMMISSIONING STAGE - after installing the system and arming it, I / O and SAT tests are performed.The fulfillment of the design assumptions and the safety of the machine must be confirmed!
Then IQ, OQ and PQ tests are performed, where it is confirmed that all assumptions by achieving the same effect as in the documentation and possibly conducted semi-technical tests.

Ikona etap nadzoru5. SERVICE SUPERVISION - starts when the installation is put into operation and… it never ends. Intermasz employees ensure that the installation remains fully usable. Changing technologies also allow for the use of other utilities.

It is allowed to perform the implementation process in a simplified way, but our experience shows that the one described above ensures both us and the client that the implementation took place in a full manner and the machine is fully functional.